From the course: Travel Photography: A Photographer in Cuba

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Street shooting tips and gear

Street shooting tips and gear

- Cuba is a great place to take pictures of people, and a big part of the reason for me was that everyone seems OK with it. And I think a lot of that has to do with the attitude that you bring to photographing people while you're there. So what I wanna talk about right now is just a few basic tips for getting great people shots, and then we'll talk about the different types. You know, photographing musicians and people in the plazas, and so forth. Speaking of the plazas, though, if you wanna get started, if you wanna get warmed up getting good people shots, the plazas in the big cities are a great place. They are literally the watering hole, the gathering place for both locals and tourists alike. And there's a lot going on. Now local Cubans know that tourists are gonna be in the plazas taking pictures, and so then you have an opportunity to photograph people who are there for that very reason. They're there to have their picture taken, and that's what I call the environmental…
