From the course: Travel Photography: A Photographer in Cuba

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Doing research to prepare for the locations in Cuba

Doing research to prepare for the locations in Cuba

From the course: Travel Photography: A Photographer in Cuba

Doing research to prepare for the locations in Cuba

- As you're thinking about what you're going to photograph, location is a great starting point. No matter where you are, there's gonna be people and there's gonna be cars, but as you'll see, as I continue to talk about this, having the location, the backdrop to really enhance whatever the subject is, is a real bonus. The buildings and plazas in Cuba, and especially in a lot of the major cities, are wonderful. If you are there on a tour, you may have an itinerary. You may say, "Yeah, we're going here "and then we're going here on Tuesday." Unless you do some research, those items, those line items on the itinerary are just sort of names that you're probably not really familiar with and probably not really knowing what you're in for that day. My point being here is that a little research goes a long ways toward getting the kind of images you want and even beyond that toward having the sort of experience that you want while you're visiting. For example, plazas are key component to…
