From the course: Top 10 Skills for FinTech Analysts

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Knowledge of financial regulations

Knowledge of financial regulations

- [Instructor] So obviously, to be a good FinTech analyst you need to understand and have knowledge of the different financial regulations there that govern the financial industry. Now, this is really essential to protect the interest of consumers, investors and the financial system as a whole. So financial regulations help to prevent fraud and abuse and they maintain stability in the financial system and ensure that companies operate fairly and transparently. So a good FinTech analyst is going to have an understanding of all these regulations and then be better equipped to identify potential risks and compliance issues early on and then can recommend changes to their business process, or tech solutions, to mitigate these risks. This is not only going to help protect the company's reputation and avoid costly fines and penalties, but also help build trust with customers and investors. So some key ones to know are the Consumer…
