From the course: Top 10 Skills for FinTech Analysts

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- [Instructor] Cybersecurity, as it relates to FinTech, is really interesting because clearly, in the FinTech industry, we're working with money and peoples' money, consumers' money, so understanding how cybersecurity plays into that is really key to understand as a FinTech analyst. So that way, when you're looking at product services or maybe launching something, you can take those into consideration, so that way, you aren't leaving people out there more vulnerable than they need to be already. So you need to understand the different trends in the industry and practices and understand the threats and risks posed by different cyber security attacks. So this can include things like various types of cyber attacks such as phishing, malware, and data breaches and being aware of the measures that can be taken to prevent or mitigate these attacks, such as different forms of encryption, firewalls, and multi-factor authentication.…
