From the course: Software Design: Modeling with UML

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Package diagram

Package diagram

- [Instructor] Package diagrams, as the name suggests, are used to package a myriad of other elements from other diagrams in a structured and meaningful way. This diagram is especially useful when you are building a large and complex application with hundreds of classes. Package diagrams help you group them together, create hierarchies, and show relationships across these groups and hierarchies. The diagram shown here is a package diagram that shows a small snippet of Java library classes. You can see a bit package as a folder with Java written on its tab. Inside this, you have two packages, util and lang. Util has some classes and interfaces and lang has others. These classes are related to each other as the collection interface inherits from iterable interface in lang class. If you look at just these two packages in Java, there are hundreds of classes with many such relationships among them. Instead of drawing…
