From the course: Software Design: Modeling with UML

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Modeling languages

Modeling languages

- [Instructor] A model is a partial abstract representation of a real-world system. Modeling helps us analyze, communicate, test, and document our understanding of the system we are trying to build. It is a critical step, not only in software development, but in all fields of engineering. Let us take some examples of different types of models to appreciate their role. First, the most sophisticated and very widely used are computational models that simulate time-varying behavior of a system. This system could be something that is already out there. For example, our weather forecasting system that gets data from our environment and simulates the weather in the future. Another example, is a car racing game that simulates some behavior of the real-world cars on the road. These are far more expensive to build and they are almost complete systems in themselves. Even though they model something, they are used as just that,…
