From the course: Smartsheet Essential Training (2022)

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Share an entire sheet

Share an entire sheet

- [Narrator] In Smartsheet, you can share a sheet in its entirety or just a selection of rows to a limited number of collaborators. Anytime you or any of the people you've shared a sheet with update that sheet, you'll see those changes in realtime. So everyone is always working with the most up-to-date version of the sheet, regardless of whether they're accessing the sheet from a Mac, Windows, iOS, or Android device. To share an entire sheet as we've seen, just click the Share button here in the upper right hand corner. Then enter the names of the people you want to invite to collaborate on the sheet. This can be a combination of individual people or groups, if you've set up groups in your contacts. If you're sharing with a group, you'll be able to click the menu next to the group name and view the members to make sure you want to share with each person in that group. Then choose the permission level for the people you're…
