From the course: Smartsheet Essential Training (2022)

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Filter columns

Filter columns

- [Narrator] One way to quickly find items or sort your sheet is by creating filters. This allows you to easily display just the items that match the criteria you're looking for. Now before we look at filters I'm just going to select these due dates here next to Jess and delete them and we'll see why I'm doing that in just a moment. But now I'm going to come up to the filter menu to create a filter. So let's say for example, that I'm looking for all the items that have been assigned to my team, HS. From the select field I'm going to choose the assign to column. And from this middle menu, which currently says is one of I'm going to leave that selected, but you can see we can select from several different conditions here. And from the select values menu, I'm going to select Jess. Now, below that I could continue adding criteria to narrow down my search. So for example, I could choose the due date column and maybe I want to…
