From the course: Siemens NX: Design for Injection Molding

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- [Instructor] Often times you need to create a relief at the parting surface. Now that relief is used for a lot of things. It's an engineered gap. Basically it's to hid any errors or any discrepancies whether it's from the tooling, shrinkage, warpage, whatever that may be. So let's say two halves are coming together like a clam shell. If you try to align two edges perfectly on an injection molded part, there's always going to be some sort of a discrepancy. So by engineering a little relief, they're typically really small, but you'll see them in a lot of parts. That relief does quite a bit. It allows the parts as they come together, again, to come together cleanly. And also, another thing that relief does is it helps with the shutoff on the tool. So you may fix an issue with flashing, you may fix how things clamp together, come together. So it's an important feature to add. It's not always necessary, but it's something that you'll see especially on high end products that really want a…
