From the course: Siemens NX: Design for Injection Molding

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Draft edit

Draft edit

- [Instructor] So now I need to correct the draft issue on the ribs. So it's absolutely pertinent that you correct the issue in the right position in the tree. You want to make sure that you correct the ribs before the subtraction out of the core body happens. So, I want to go back to that original extrusion that made those ribs. So there's my extrude, and I'm just going to make that my current feature. Now that it's my current feature I can go in and add in the draft. So for that, go to Draft. What's my vector? Well, this is my vector. What's my stationary face? Now, I can go through and pick that surface out of the tree which is my rib height, that's why it's nice to label these things, so you don't necessarily have to show it. And then faces the draft. What are the faces that I want to draft? So, if I come in here now, and, let me just pull this out of the way. Pick all of my faces. You can pick through the part as well, as you see me do. And then simply enter in my draft value…
