From the course: Siemens NX: Design for Injection Molding

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Thickness edit

Thickness edit

- [Instructor] So now I need to make the modifications to the rib. That rib is basically an extrusion that was drafted and removed from the core block. So I want to go back to the original feature to make those modifications. I don't want to add features if I don't have to. But in case I do have to add a feature, I want to make sure I follow along with the methods that I used to initially put the rib in place. I would add the feature to the core block so the core block does the final removal. Now, when I double click on this Extrude, you're going to see it's a symmetric 1.25. It is the thickness divided by two. What the system is doing is it's taking this line, offsetting it 1.25, 1.25, so I have a total rib thickness of two and a half. It's actually a little thicker down at the bottom because of the draft that I have put in. Now, I want to modify this. So we'll go into the formula, this is going to be a ratio. Engineering will probably give you a ratio or the manufacturer will give…
