From the course: Streamlining Your Work with Microsoft Copilot

Solve problems with Copilot - Microsoft Copilot Tutorial

From the course: Streamlining Your Work with Microsoft Copilot

Solve problems with Copilot

- [Instructor] I'm ready to ask Copilot to help me solve some problems. Now, we've composed text, summarized data, and I've gotten some basic questions answered. But now let's see what else we can do with Copilot to account for other things that may come up in my day-to-day work life. I'm going to set the conversation style here to creative. And remember, if you provide more detail in your requests, Copilot will provide better results. The first thing I want to do is create a schedule for my day. It needs to allow time for me to answer emails, return phone calls, and I need to take a walk. So I'll ask it to create a workday with those details. And here it is, it's giving me a complete work schedule along with blocks of time and it's even given me a lunch break and allowed time for my walk. Now, next I need to ship a box of materials to a conference that my company is running. I need to ask Copilot what size box I should purchase from the postal service. So I'll click the New Topic button to reset, then ask my question. So I asked what size box I should purchase to ship 1,000 Post-It notes and it's giving me my answer. It shows dimensions of the available box types and how many stacks of Post-It notes I can fit in each one. And this is exactly what I was looking for. Next, I have been asked to purchase the ice cream for an office party. I'm not sure how much I should get, so I'll ask Copilot. And it gives me lots of information to help me decide what to buy. What about pizza? If I need to order pizza for all of these employees, I'm not sure what kinds of pizza I should order. And I wonder if I can ask that. So let's find out. And it's giving me some great information. I can also ask Copilot for some advice. In the workplace, difficult conversations can be a real challenge. Here's a light example. I have a coworker who's been taking my lunch out of the refrigerator. I'm not sure how to bring this up to the coworker. So let's see what Copilot has to offer by way of advice. And this gives me some good starting points. Now, in addition to dealing with HR issues, Copilot can also give you career advice. For example, we're thinking about partnering with another company to manufacture our product. I'm not an expert in this area and I'm not sure what the risks are, so I'm going to get it summed up by Copilot. I'll ask what are some risks when partnering with another company to manufacture our products? And it gives me some great information to consider. So these are some examples of how you can solve a variety of problems with Copilot Chat.
