From the course: Strategic Content Marketing: Attract, Engage, and Retain

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Typical goals of content marketing

Typical goals of content marketing

- What is the goal of your content marketing? If you can answer that question well, you are much more likely to succeed. According to Content Marketing Institute, companies that document a goal are more successful than those that don't. Make sense, right? The cool thing is content marketing can achieve a number of goals. To help you decide what goals make sense for your content marketing efforts, I'm going to explain two common types. One goal can be attracting new customers. This means focusing on content that converts people into customers. For example, my performance marketing agency helped a staffing firm with a very specific goal of attracting new clients. We managed a full digital marketing strategy, including all kinds of content, such as blogs, eBooks, social media, along with paid advertising and SEO, and that client now receives 90% of their business through client leads responding to those marketing efforts.…
