From the course: Strategic Content Marketing: Attract, Engage, and Retain

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In-house vs. outsourcing

In-house vs. outsourcing

- So I hear you like content, right? Have you spent time thinking about how you'll create content? You can do this in-house or outsourced. I've seen plenty of companies start strong with their content marketing and then fizzle out because their plan wasn't sustainable. After this lesson, you'll be able to use the three Ps of content creation to develop an easy to maintain plan. The first P is producing the content in-house. This option lets you establish a team of employees and freelancers whose focus is on content marketing for your company. It takes time and investment to set up an in-house team, but it can pay off because the team will have deep industry and company expertise over time. The second P is partnering. This method allows your organization to partner with another organization who has the credibility and capability to elevate your content creation. This option is mutually beneficial because you'll share the…
