From the course: Revit: Architectural Families

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Adding pulls

Adding pulls

- [Voiceover] Ok I want to put some 96 millimeter brushed aluminum wire pulls on this cabinet face. To get started I'll jump at the wall cabinet hardware or you can keep going with the cabinet you have. I'm going to my purple R drop down. I'm going to go to new, I'm gonna go to family. I'm gonna scroll down until I find generic model face based. Now I'm going to click open. Now I'm going to go to my front elevation I'm going to right click on this reference plane, and I'm going to create similar. On my draw panel, I'm going to click on my pick lines button, I'm going to give an offset of one inch. I'm going to offset this straight up an inch. Hit escape a couple times. Now I'm gonna dimension it. Click aligned dimension, strong to weak. Select your one inch dimension. Let's add a parameter to that. Gonna call it depth, gonna click OK. Now I'm going to right click on this reference plane and create similar. Draw, I'm gonna click on pick lines. Offset is gonna be four inches. I'm gonna…
