From the course: Revit: Architectural Families

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Creating massing

Creating massing

- [Voiceover] Okay, what I'd like to do here is create an in-place mass, and see how we can add families to it. So to get started, under Projects, I'm going to go to Architectural Template. Now the first thing I want to do is set up a grid system. So on my Architecture tab, I'm going to click on Grid. I'm going to draw a grid right down here, just like this. I'm going to select my grid line one, I'm going to click Edit Type, and I'm going to turn on Plan View Symbols and one as well. Click OK. Now I'm going to select grid line one. I'm going to click Copy. I'm going to pick a base point, and I'm going to copy them back 24 feet, 'til I get to grid line five. Perfect. Now I'm going to go back to Architecture. I'm going to go to grid, and I'm going to one right out here on the end. Instead of grid line six, I'm going to click it, I'm going to rename it to grid line A. Now I'm going to select grid line A, I'm going to click Copy, I'm going to pick my base point, I'm going to go 24, 24…
