From the course: Revit 2020: Essential Training for Structure (Imperial)

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Adding modifiers

Adding modifiers

- [Instructor] Revit's made it pretty easy to hack up a steel beam, that's for sure. The objective of this video is to slice up some beams and add some plates. To get started, let's go to models. Under models, let's go new. For our template file, let's hit the dropdown here and let's grab structural template. Let's click okay. First thing I want to do is just add a plate. Go with the steel, go to plate. I'm just going to draw a rectangle and I'm going to click finish. Remember, created elements are only visible in detail level fine. Okay. Let's set our detail level to fine then. Now let's jump over to the modifiers panel and just go from left to right. Let's click corner cut and select our plate. The type, straight. See it's giving a little bit of a hack out of that side there. If you get off of it, all you have to do is hover over it and tab back onto it. We'll go two inches by maybe two inches, click off of it, and it's there, right? So if we tab back onto it, instead of it being…
