From the course: Revit 2020: Essential Training for Structure (Imperial)

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Creating column offsets

Creating column offsets

- [Instructor] Just because we use the grid to basically lock in our columns, that doesn't mean we can't move a few columns around here and there. The objective of this video is to select a couple columns and move them, then we're going to go back and examine the properties of the columns to see how Revit displays the offsets in the properties. Open structure A. Under structural plans, let's go to level one. These columns are kind of floating in the middle of this hallway here, so I want to move these two this way four feet. I want to move these two this way four feet. So, I'm going to pick a window around these two columns. Again, remember, I'm picking a window from the left to the right, ensuring that I'm only getting the two columns. Once I select them, you can verify that. If you look down here, there's a little filter that says the effect that we have two items selected. Cool. Zoom into these columns. Click Move. Select the midpoint of that column. Go in this direction, type 4'…
