From the course: QuickBooks Pro 2021 Essential Training

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Work with check registers manually

Work with check registers manually

- [Instructor] Let's get into the chart of accounts. In a previous video, I showed you that with any account in the chart of accounts that has a running balance total on it, you can double click on it to bring up a register of transactions for that account. The register shows a running tally by date on the left-hand side and your incoming and outgoing money and how those transactions affect the final balance on the right hand side. I'll close this now to get back to the home screen. And by the way, you can hit the Escape key on your keyboard to close out of a window. There's a few ways that I can get into the check register of my checking account for my business. I showed you how you can click on it in the chart of accounts, but you can also click check register in the home screen to bring it up also. So on the left-hand side, here's that tally by date. You can also see what the transaction was such as a…
