From the course: QuickBooks Pro 2021 Essential Training

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Pay employees

Pay employees

- [Instructor] We're finally ready to run payroll and pay our employees. I'm not really paying anybody in this because I'm still in the sample product based company. But to start to pay our employees from the screen, click employees, hover your mouse over pay employees and then you have to choose what type of a paycheck this is going to be. You can choose a schedule payroll, which is one that we know about such as a bi-weekly paycheck or weekly paycheck. An unscheduled payroll is something that you want to do on the fly such as a bonus check or expense reimbursement. You can also do a termination check. For now I'm going to choose scheduled payroll. QuickBooks will tell me what payroll schedule I need to create. There's two here. There's the weekly one that we just created and the biweekly one that was already here in the sample file. A lot of these dates are going to be way off because I'm working in the sample…
