From the course: Prompt Engineering with Gemini

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Solution: Writing copy for your new activewear brand

Solution: Writing copy for your new activewear brand - Gemini Tutorial

From the course: Prompt Engineering with Gemini

Solution: Writing copy for your new activewear brand

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Now let's dive into a solution for this copywriting challenge. Let's head over to Gemini. So for my brand, I've chosen to focus on excitement. Now, my first question is, what kind of copy do I actually need? I haven't built too many websites. So let's ask Gemini. I'm going to ask, what kind of pages are important for a eCommerce store? Hit Enter. Okay, here we go. We get a list. We get homepage, product page, category pages, and so forth. Let's actually focus on homepage and product pages. Those seem like the most important ones. So let's go ahead and generate some copy. So generate some copy for the homepage. The brand is filled with excitement. All right, here we go. We have some copy. So we have a headline, a subheading, our body, some differentiators. These are pretty interesting. One thing you might notice is that there are some brackets here for, fill in the brand name, fill in the adjective, et cetera. So let's ask Gemini to actually do this for…
