From the course: Prompt Engineering with Gemini

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Planning a vacation with Gemini

Planning a vacation with Gemini - Gemini Tutorial

From the course: Prompt Engineering with Gemini

Planning a vacation with Gemini

- [Instructor] In this video, we'll plan a Northern Lights vacation with Gemini. Let's start off by asking, where are the best places to see the Northern Lights? And hit enter. Okay, here we go. We got some responses and we have recommendations for time of year, weather, and location. So let's scroll down. We can see that we have some North American recommendations, Fairbanks, Alaska, Yellowknife, Canada, Churchill, Manitoba, and we have Europe. We have Norway, Sweden, and Iceland. So we have some recommendations now. Let's go ahead and ask for these to be outputted in a table. Can you output best times to go in a table for each location? And hit enter. Right. Here we go. We got a summary of the best times to go. So September to April, August, mid-May, September, April, mid-November to February, and Greenland year-round. So I think the year-round might be a mistake because in some parts of the year, the sun is up the whole time. So we can see here that sometimes Gemini makes mistakes,…
