From the course: Photography Foundations: Macro and Close-Up

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Setting up a macro-specific flash unit

Setting up a macro-specific flash unit - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photography Foundations: Macro and Close-Up

Setting up a macro-specific flash unit

In the last movie, you saw a simple example of using a regular external strobe, both with and without a softbox or diffuser, to help get some light into your macro scenes. There are dedicated macro flash units that you might want to consider if you get serious about macro photography, especially if you get serious about macro flash photography. You may have heard of a ring light. That is a type of flash that goes right around the edge of your lens, and has a ring of lights. I don't have one here, because I just don't really recommend using a ring light. It leads to a very flat kind of lighting. And, it also creates a very specific kind of reflection inside anything that's shiny in your scene, like water droplets, or people's eyes, or things like that. I prefer something like this. It's maybe a little unwieldy, but this is a twin light. This is one made by Canon. There are lots of variations of this on the market. And, what I like about this is it gives me a lot of flexibility with the…
