From the course: Photography Foundations: Macro and Close-Up

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Getting closer with macro lenses and extension tubes

Getting closer with macro lenses and extension tubes - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photography Foundations: Macro and Close-Up

Getting closer with macro lenses and extension tubes

So, in my previous exploration of the flower, I decided that what I really need to do is get in closer. The problem is this lens has a minimum focusing distance. That means I can't get much closer than this. So, I can only fill the frame with so much flower. I'd like to get in here, and really get in tight on some of the detail. Now, we've already seen something that will let me shrink the minimum focusing distance on my lens, and that is an extension tube. We used extension tubes before with a regular lens, but there is no reason that you can't use them with a macro lens. Before we get to that though, I want to talk about a potential problem that we're going to have. As we get in closer, we're going to lose a lot of light, simply because we're going to be in tight. We're going to be casting our own shadow. And also, it's just darker in there. We're also going to be losing light, because of the extension tube. That means that we're going to start running into exposure issues. As light…
