From the course: Learning Grasshopper

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How to analyze curve data in Grasshopper

How to analyze curve data in Grasshopper

From the course: Learning Grasshopper

How to analyze curve data in Grasshopper

- [Instructor] In this video, we'll take a look at a few of the components in grasshopper used for analyzing planar curves. That is curves, whose points lie all in the same plane. You can find these under the curve component tab in the analysis sub menu. I've gone ahead and set up my exercise file with an internalized curve parameter that saves a long with my grasshopper definition. I can see that here in my rhino window, and I'll go ahead and maximize the top viewport, zoom in a little bit here so we can see more closely what's going on. So nerves curves have a property called a local domain and this is sort of like a locally defined length. Now, sometimes the curves domain will be zero to one other times it will be something like zero to seven. So to make sure that we get a consistent local domain for analysis, I've done one additional thing with my curve parameter in grasshopper. And that is to right-click into the contextual…
