From the course: Learning Grasshopper

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How to understand data tree structures in Grasshopper

How to understand data tree structures in Grasshopper

From the course: Learning Grasshopper

How to understand data tree structures in Grasshopper

- [Instructor] In this video, we'll take a look at how to format data tree paths in Grasshopper. In our exercise file, I'm starting off with these three curves that I've internalized into a geometry Parameter in Grasshopper and we can see those in Rhino here I'll just zoom in a little bit in respective and double click to maximize that window. Now, my goal here is to create a surface that essentially combines these three curves, into one continuous extrusion. And I've got the starting points of that here in my definition, so we're taking those curves, we're using a divide curve component, to get individual points from each curve. So I'll go ahead and right click enable preview there, so you can see right now I'm taking five points from each curve. Then I'm using those points to make a set of polylines. So again, right click and enable preview. And then those polylines get passed on to an extrusion component. So…
