From the course: Learning Design Thinking: Lead Change in Your Organization

About this course and our LinkedIn group

- We're trying something new in this course to make it more collaborative. We've integrated LinkedIn Groups, and I'll be suggesting opportunities for you to share what you're learning. To participate in these conversations, you will need to be a LinkedIn member. If you're not already, it's free and pretty easy to sign up. Just go to and click Sign Up. Then paste this URL in your browser and click Join Group. You'll then receive an email from LinkedIn for the group, and you'll be able to participate in course-related discussions through your web browser at or via the LinkedIn Groups app, which is available for most smartphones. In all honesty, using LinkedIn Groups is an experiment for us to see how having a course community could support how you learn and put these ideas into practice. Since it's a beta experiment, there are some things that will work really well, and some things that might not. One thing I do know is that in general, this experience will work best on your desktop or laptop. Even if you're not in the LinkedIn Group, the course has links, worksheets, and suggested readings in the exercise files. I'd love your feedback on the course content and the community as we go along, so please share your thoughts. Thank you for taking part in this course and joining the beta conversations.
