From the course: Learning CircuitPython with Circuit Playground Express

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- [Robert] Thank you for spending time with me during this course. I hope you've enjoyed this introduction to CircuitPython in the Circuit Playground Express and I hope you're inspired to learn more about programming hardware to develop your own programs and projects using CircuitPython. If you want to learn more, the website is a great resource containing tons of additional information, especially the awesome link at the top of the page. You can also find many examples and fun projects on the Adafruit learning website. Select the CircuitPython category and browse the mini projects there. For technical documentation, read the docs, is the best resource and is kept up to date with each CircuitPython release. If you're interested in learning more about Python programming and electronics in general, there are great courses here on LinkedIn Learning to help you on your own path. And finally, feel free…
