From the course: Learning CircuitPython with Circuit Playground Express

Addressing hardware with Python

- [Robert] Microcontrollers are small computers that are just about everywhere. Controlling our physical world from spaceships, to robots, to coffee makers, to cat feeders. Microcontrollers form the foundation of the internet of things. Working with microcontrollers used to require expertise in engineering and electronics. But now using easy to learn programming languages like CircuitPython and readily available development boards, anyone can use microcontrollers for do it yourself projects, creative applications, and even commercial products and prototypes. In this course, you'll learn the basics of working with CircuitPython and the Circuit Playground Express development board. First you'll set up your board and development environment for CircuitPython. Then you'll explore many of the built-in features of the Circuit Playground Express as you write CircuitPython programs to flash lights, make sounds, and react to buttons and sensors, all while learning some of the ins and outs of programming for the physical world. I'm Robert Gallup, a technologist and product designer. If you're as excited as I am about the possibilities of CircuitPython and microcontrollers, join me in my LinkedIn Learning course for the essentials you need to get started.
