From the course: Learning Bluebeam Revu: Version 2018 to Version 20

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Using the visual search feature

Using the visual search feature

- [Instructor] I'm continuing on where we left off in the last video, with this sample set of construction drawings, where we used the text search to start applying some counts to all of our different meeting spaces and office spaces in this particular floor plan. What I want to do now is open that search panel again, and instead of the text search, I want to show you the other type of search that's available in Bluebeam Revu, which is a visual search. So if I click on this icon and switch over to visual search, what it asks me to do is get a rectangle, or basically, draw a box around whatever image it is that you want to search for on this drawing. So let's pan over and zoom in on the restrooms on this particular project, and what I would like the visual search to do is find all of these symbols, which are the toilets in the restrooms, so that I can start counting my plumbing fixtures. To do that, I'm going to click on get…
