From the course: Learning Bluebeam Revu: Version 2018 to Version 20

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Export quantities to Excel

Export quantities to Excel

- [Instructor] Once I've finished with all of the length and area and quantity takeoffs here on my construction drawings, I'm going to end up with a whole bunch of information accumulated here in the markup list. Now, a lot of this is information I need. Obviously, I need the square footage of the flooring takeoffs and I can probably use this length information that's automatically calculated as the perimeter of each room, I can probably use that to get my baseboard quantity. And then I've got some wall area information here, but I'm not sure that that's quite right because in this 95 square foot room, I'm pretty sure there's more than 39 square feet of wall area, so let's look at adjusting the depth of each room so that we can also get some good information here in the markup list for things like wall area. So again, I can use each takeoff, or each quantity takeoff markup and get multiple pieces of information and data…
