From the course: Learning Aurora HDR 2018

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Retouching in Luminar

Retouching in Luminar

- Now, we fixed the chromatic aberration, but there are still a couple of other problems, like a distracting person walking through the scene, and some dust that got on the sensor because it was a really windy day. Let me show you how you can use a plugin inside of Aurora HDR. It's Luminar, also made by Skylum, and it's easy to hand off your image for cloning and healing. Now, you have the ability to send this over to Luminar. From the plugins menu, I can launch it. Luminar is a companion image editor and soon to be image cataloging tool. It allows you to easily do additional processing and advanced image repair. What I like here is it has a great tool for healing out spots. So now I've opened up this image and it sends it into Luminar. I'm not going to actually apply any adjustments here. Rather, I'm going to take advantage of a simple tool. From the Tools menu, I'll choose the Erase tool. This makes it easy to remove problems. Now what I can do is zoom in. So, easy enough, just hold…
