From the course: Learning Aurora HDR 2018

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Exporting files

Exporting files

- In the world of computer graphics there are many different file types, and the ones you use will vary depending upon your output needs. Lets walk through some of the options you should find in your version of Aurora HDR. These do vary slightly version to version and computer platform to computer platform, but the basics are the same. To create a new file that's broadly compatible, choose File, Export. This'll bring up a new dialogue. The first thing to consider is where you want to write it. From the Format menu you'll see many options. JPEG is very common for saving graphics for the web or even printing. A PNG file is used in some computer graphics programs. Tends to be a bit larger than a JPEG but doesn't have many benefits except for transparency, but that's not an option you really need when making a photo. A GIF file, on the other hand, tends to be highly compressed and isn't used very often these days, but some folks like to use them in things like emails. A TIFF file works…
