From the course: Leading Productive Meetings

Group meetings vs. one-on-one meetings

From the course: Leading Productive Meetings

Group meetings vs. one-on-one meetings

- This course is designed for anyone who participates in a meeting, whether you are leading the meeting or you're participating as a member of a team. This course is geared toward group meetings, which means three or more people attending at a time. While the principles I'll teach are universal to any type of meeting, there's another course on LinkedIn Learning where I cover productive one on one meetings. This can help two coworkers conduct effective private meetings. Also, it may be helpful to download the exercise files in advance. These files include templates and checklists that you can use to prepare and hold effective meetings. You're welcome to print them out or use the fillable forms. Think of these files as a starting point to guide the adjustments you'll make to your meetings, then adapt them to create your own versions that match the needs of your work. Now let's get started.
