From the course: Implementing Creative Feedback the Win-Win Way

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There'll be some changes made

There'll be some changes made

- I've stalled as long as I could with my tips, tricks, and little lessons, but now we must do some actual work. First, put away your procrastination tools. If you're unsure of what a procrastination tool is, please see my other course, Implementing Creative Feedback the Lose-Lose Way. (guitar music) (cat meows) Now, you're ready to implement the creative feedback you received. But it's critical to keep track of your changes. As a professional, you need to know exactly what work was done and when. You may want to justify an additional invoice, or undo an edit, or just know which ideas are yours and which are theirs. Here's how. Take advantage of the revision tracking features almost all writing software now has to create a digital breadcrumb trail of every single edit you make. This toolbox was invented for collaboration, but it's ideal for keeping a record of your rewrites. You can also file away a copy with the…
