From the course: Implementing Creative Feedback the Win-Win Way

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The zen of meeting taking

The zen of meeting taking

- Hi. This is my project proposal. I've been working on it for six weeks. I'm about to present it to the executive team. You might wonder why I'm shredding it. I'm executing this visual metaphor to make a point. Whether you're giving or receiving creative feedback, it's important to put distance between yourself and your work, especially just before you're about to judge it. Otherwise, you may forget that its not personal. You're not there to judge anyone and they're not there to judge you. Oh, the work will get ripped apart. But luckily, paper doesn't have any feelings. See? It's about the work. Both sides working together to make it the best it can be. When the meeting starts, remember, you're not in it to win it, you're in it to be of service to the team. That means there aren't any sides. If you go in with your back up, you just might get your back thrown out. So try these techniques to go neutral. Try…
