From the course: Ideation for Marketers

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Random word

Random word

- The less linear your brainstorming technique, the more you can make free associations. With random word, you can gain creative insights by forcing out-of-the-box and completely random thinking. To kick off this ideation session, you'll need a random book and a flip chart or whiteboard, along with some markers. You can conduct this brainstorming technique alone or in a group. Start by selecting a random page number and a random line number. Open the book to that page, identify that line number, and then select the first noun you come across. Write that word down, no matter what it is. Next, ask the group to call out anything they associate with that word, and write those words down. Now, at this point, you haven't given the group any context on the problem you're solving. You're simply generating a list of words. Once the ideas run dry, you state the problem that you're trying to solve. You now need to work through the…
