From the course: HR Roles in the Modern Workplace

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Spearheading a culture of continuous learning

Spearheading a culture of continuous learning

From the course: HR Roles in the Modern Workplace

Spearheading a culture of continuous learning

- Did you know that continuous learning firms are 46% more likely to be first to go to market? They experienced 37% higher productivity and 92% are more likely to innovate. Learning opportunities have a positive impact on employee retention. In a Josh Bersin survey, researchers found that number one reason why respondents begin to look for a new job is the inability to learn and grow at their current position. During remote or hybrid work, team members may feel that learning opportunities are becoming scarce, or their work is going unnoticed. So it's important for us to help business leaders facilitate cultures where employees can continuously learn and grow. To do that, first help business leaders gain a deeper understanding of their team members' learning styles. Typically, there are two different mindsets that employees can use when it comes to learning; fixed and growth. A person with fixed mindset refuses to…
