From the course: Human Resources: Understanding HR Systems Features and Benefits

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Learning management systems

Learning management systems

- Learning management systems do what they say they do, they manage learning. They often come preloaded with many training titles and often provide the opportunity to integrate your own. Learning management modules are designed into very few HRIS programs. Most of the LMS programs on the market are standalone and integrate into a HRIS through an API. For example, BambooHR integrates with Litmos, an LMS. Of the HRIS vendors we have used as examples in this course, only Workday has its own integrated LMS. Of course, there are other HRIS systems available that have a learning management module. When adding your own training content, most programs require third-party content to be what is known as SCORM compliant, an acronym for Shareable Content Object Reference Model. SCORM is a technical standard for developing elearning software products. SCORM tells programmers how to write their code so that it can play well with other elearning software and HRIS systems. LMS modules can manage…
