From the course: Human Resources: Understanding HR Systems Features and Benefits

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Miscellaneous features

Miscellaneous features

- HRAS systems continue to expand in functionality. Let me share with you six miscellaneous features that exist in some HRAS programs, whether through internal programming, acquisition, or API integration. First, some HRAS programs have a module to facilitate workforce planning. Workforce planning helps companies manage the flow of personnel, including their independent contractors. If your company's large enough, you must consider workforce planning as a strategic objective and it's got to be managed some place. Wouldn't it be nice if that some place is where the majority of the data you'll need for that analysis is stored? Workforce planning modules address concerns such as, do you have a hiring issue? Are you on track to meet your head count goals or are some departments lagging behind? What are the financial impacts of a planned reorganization, merger, or acquisition? Workforce planning also allows you to understand your workforce, its skills, cost, location, and performance…
