From the course: Excel PivotTable Quick Tips

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PivotTable error messages: Overlapping reports

PivotTable error messages: Overlapping reports - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel PivotTable Quick Tips

PivotTable error messages: Overlapping reports

- [Instructor] A common PivotTable error message is that a PivotTable is going to overlap another PivotTable. I'm going to refresh this PivotTable. Here's the error message. It was unable to refresh because it would've overlapped another PivotTable. On this sheet, I have two different PivotTables. On this PivotTable, I have my categories and the order type. Let's take a look at our data source. If we look down at the bottom, there's two new entries. A nonprofit and a donation. This is going to be added to the original resale and wholesale types. When I refresh this sheet, donation and nonprofit are going to be added to columns. That's going to overlap this PivotTable. That's why it's giving us this error. The solution is to move this PivotTable. Select anywhere inside the PivotTable, change to the PivotTable Analyze ribbon tab, click Actions, and choose Move PivotTable. You'll be prompted where you want the new…
