From the course: Excel 2016: Advanced Formulas and Functions

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Ranking data without sorting with RANK and RANK.EQ

Ranking data without sorting with RANK and RANK.EQ

From the course: Excel 2016: Advanced Formulas and Functions

Ranking data without sorting with RANK and RANK.EQ

- In this worksheet called Rank, we've got employee names and salaries in column B. We'd like to rank the salaries without having to sort the data. So, there's a function called Rank. There are some variations on it. Left parenthesis, we're comparing the entry in B2, comma, with the entire column b entries. If we do nothing special after this, we will rank these in descending order, so the first entry here is the 79th highest reading from the top highest number. As I copy this formula down the column, we see that this entry's the 12th highest, this is the 2nd highest, and so on. 7th highest, 69th highest, we can see that up and down the list of about 100 names here. If two of these are the same, and here we do have two of these the same, they're sharing the 12th position. So, in this list you will not find a rank of 13. These share that position. When we create that entry, we also have the option following the reference to column B, putting in a comma, and shifting the order in…
