From the course: Excel 2016: Advanced Formulas and Functions

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Using the CONCAT and TEXTJOIN to combine data from different cells

Using the CONCAT and TEXTJOIN to combine data from different cells

From the course: Excel 2016: Advanced Formulas and Functions

Using the CONCAT and TEXTJOIN to combine data from different cells

- We're looking at a worksheet called CONCAT TEXTJOIN, and those are the names of two new functions that have been added to Excel. If you've seen in an early movie how to use the CONCATENATE function, you might be wondering why there is another function with the name CONCAT, very similar. And if you have updated Excel, and if you go to the Formulas tab on the ribbon and choose Text, you will see the function called CONCAT. But what's happened to CONCATENATE. It is still available, even though we don't see it in the list. Look at the description: "Concatenates a list "or a range of text strings." Same description that CONCATENATE had. Further down the list you'll see the other function we're about to talk about, called TEXTJOIN: "Concatenates a list or a range of text strings "using a delimiter." Let's first take a look at this worksheet and the data in columns A through E. We've got some current products listed here, some of the items we sell, and they have IDs we've using for years…
