From the course: Django: Forms

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Submitting forms

Submitting forms

- [Instructor] So we have a decent looking form here for our pizza ordering process, but a big missing piece here is that we can't order anything, right? There is no order button to say, okay, I want a cheese on my pizza. I also want to have maybe some olives on my pizza. You know even if we provide the toppings, there's no order button here in order to make this a reality. So, let's go ahead and talk about how we can do that. Before you end the form, you can add a special type of input that will submit the form, meaning complete it and forward everything to some URL. And we create that by simply making an input tag and with this input, we give it a very particular type. So we're going to have the type of this be equal to submit. And again this is what turns it into a button and takes all the data and sends it somewhere. And the value is what text you want to appear inside of this button. So, here we might put some text, something like order pizza. Okay? So go ahead and put an ending…
