From the course: Django: Forms

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Form styling

Form styling

- [Instructor] Let's go ahead and finish the styling of our website by adding our base template into each of our other templates. So, with our home page, let's go ahead a move over to our home.html. We're going to go ahead and get rid of our h1 tag, we don't need that necessarily but we do need what we have over on the order.html. Up at the top here this extends pizza and then the body block. We'll go ahead and copy and paste that up at the top, so that's going to bring in our base. What we're going to put inside of here, then we don't need our order pizza as well is we want to have a div that's going to center a big image for us on the screen, so we're going to say div class is equal to, we're going to make this text-center. Great and let's make sure that we have the ending div tag there. Then inside of this div, this is where we're going to want to add our image. So, our image needs to have a source and for right now we'll just go ahead and leave that blank. So, we'll go ahead and…
