From the course: Developing Adaptability as a Manager

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Grow faster to make an impact

- Corporate professional development can sometimes be excellent, but it should never be your only strategy for keeping your skills and abilities current. Professional growth shouldn't just be reactive. That leads to a patchwork approach that may be ill suited to your interests and talents. Instead, the best leaders create their own personalized curriculum for learning and development. Here's how to craft one that works for you. First, to develop an appropriate personal learning curriculum. It pays to know where you want to go. In the Harvard Business Review, I've written about a strategy called "pre-writing your resume" in which you identify the job you'd like to have in five years time. Then you write your resume as though it were five years in the future, and you actually have that job. It's not just wish fulfillment though. What's crucial is that in order to do it, you have to figure out which jobs you'll need to have held in between now and then. That enables you to focus in on…
