From the course: Developing Adaptability as a Manager

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Give and receive feedback

Give and receive feedback

- Here's a hard truth. You can't be adaptable if you think you already know everything. If you want to continually improve as a manager and a leader, rather than assuming you've already achieved perfection, it's important to master the art of giving feedback and getting it in return. Here is how to stay humble, listen with an open mind and give feedback to others in a thoughtful way. For starters, here's one extremely effective question to ask. How can I be an even better manager to you? Now, it's not always easy to invite what feels like criticism, but this is a powerful question for a couple reasons. First of all, it shows your employee that you care what they think. Most managers never bother to ask, so that already sets you apart. Second, it's not a question about "objective criticism," like, what am I doing wrong as a manager or even how can I be a better manager? Instead, it asks, how can I be a better manager to you? It's all about personal preference and not what you're…
