From the course: Developing Adaptability as a Manager

Adaptability: A business-critical skill

From the course: Developing Adaptability as a Manager

Adaptability: A business-critical skill

- Being adaptable is the foundational skill that will enable you to respond to change in positive, resilient ways and seize new opportunities. It's your job to create an environment that enables adaptability to flourish, to raise the bar for all your team members. It means noticing deeply, asking questions, and staying curious, and it means recognizing we don't have all the answers, but if we plan strategically with that in mind, rather than buying into the cozy myth of our prescience and infallibility, then we're far better off than most of our competitors. I'm Dorie Clark. I teach for Duke University's Fuqua School of Business, and I'm the author of "Reinventing You" and "Stand Out." So let's become more adaptable leaders.
