From the course: DevOps Foundations: Continuous Delivery/Continuous Integration

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Building artifacts

Building artifacts

- Now that we've seen our CI system in action, let's talk about packaging and artifact management. If you make packaged software or use a compiled language, then you just assume you're building artifacts. But if you're one of those kids nowadays with a Python or PHP-based website, you might wonder what's wrong with just Git pulling your code to your production server. Building and distributing your code as packaged artifacts provides reliability, composability, security, and shareability. Probably the most important reason to generate artifacts is to ensure what you've tested is exactly what's going to production. As much of the preparation work as you can do in a controlled environment, compilation, preprocessing, packaging, the less there is to go wrong in each subsequent stage in the CD pipeline and in each deployment. If you build your application with specific language versions, specific library versions, specific…
