From the course: DevOps Foundations: Continuous Delivery/Continuous Integration

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Continuous integration in action

Continuous integration in action

- [Instructor] Now let's take a look at what a CI system looks like in practice. For that, we're going to use Jenkins. Jenkins is a free open-source tool. Like most free open source tools, It's a little rough around the edges, but it's very popular and has a lot of community support. Also it's written in Java so it runs on any platform from Linux to Windows to Mac. For ease of use, I'm going to use the Jenkins Docker container that's publicly available on Docker Hub. If you've installed Docker for Desktop, for Mac, for Windows or whatever suits your platform from, you can use our example files to get started without even needing to install software. I'll run through it but this information is also in the read me in the course files. I'll be doing this at the Mac command line, but it should work identically on Linux or Bash and the Windows 10 anniversary update. And honestly, it's only a little bit different…
